Lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands are among the most important natural resources for Minnesotans and we all have an interest in ensuring their quality for future generations. But when rain falls on impervious surfaces such as paved streets, parking lots and rooftops, it can collect materials that pollute our water resources. Polluted runoff containing pesticides, sediment, nutrients, oil, chemicals, and litter is often transported through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) to our lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands without treatment. Research has shown that this runoff is a leading source of water pollution. West Lakeland Township and municipalities across the United States are now addressing this water quality issue.
As mandated by the Federal Clean Water Act, municipalities across the United States, including West Lakeland Township, are required to address water quality issues through a storm water permit. The Township’s storm water permit is administered by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and is referred to as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The permit addresses how the Township will improve water quality by reducing or eliminating pollutants from storm water runoff before it reaches nearby surface waters.
The Township’s NPDES permit with the MPCA has been in place since December 2008 and is the document that the Township is following to be in compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act. The storm water permit is on the Township’s website and you are encouraged to review it and ask questions. Also, to maintain compliance with the permit on an annual basis, West Lakeland is required to file a report and conduct a public hearing on the permit before June 30th of each year.
West Lakeland Township’s nearby lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands are one of our community’s most valuable resources and protecting them to the greatest extent possible is very important for maintaining our quality of life.