Welcome to West Lakeland Township West Lakeland is an urban township organized in July of 1950 and is located along the St. Croix River in east central Washington County. We are located off of the north side of the I-94 corridor. To find us, exit from I-94 on to Manning Avenue and head northeast. We are a decentralized community with a unique lifestyle enjoyed by our residents. Living in West Lakeland Township allows the area residents to enjoy the benefits of a rural community close to an urban center, without costly public services. Older homes, characteristic of the St. Croix Valley, still remain in the area. The residents and farms of our Township, and neighboring communities, have contributed much to the unobstructed lifestyle of the Township which we enjoy today.
Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Planning and
Zoning Consultant West Lakeland Township is seeking proposals from planning and zoning consultants to serve as our Town Planner.
Where: Proposals should be emailed or mailed to the address below. Please allow adequate time for the Town to receive your submission by the specified deadline stated above. Any inquiries regarding this request should be directed to the Town Clerk via email. Carrie Seifert, Town Clerk For additional information about the RFP, please visit: _________________________________________________________________ West Lakeland Township 75th Anniversary Celebration--August 5, 2025
Plans are well underway for a grand celebration next August to mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of our township. We hope to have a high turnout for this special event! Want to help out? Here are some things we are looking for: Township History--stories or photos of township landmarks, local residents or community events over the years Monetary or material donations--contact one of our committee members for specific needs Volunteers--planning, set up, food servers, games, prizes, clean up and more Click on the 75th Anniversary Event Flyer for more information. Thanks to our committee members for their efforts thus far! Mark Votava, Mary Vierling, Marian Appelt, Kelly Murray, Pam Carlson & Jenny Samec How to File a Noise Complaint with the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) If you would like to file an Aircraft noise complaint to the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), please complete MAC's Noise Complaint Form. ____________________________________________________________________
The MPCA Presents Their 3M Settlement Conceptual Drinking Water Supply Implementation Plan
At the September 11, 2023 Town Board Meeting, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency presented their Conceptual Drinking Water Supply Implementation Plan for West Lakeland Township. For more information, please visit the link below:
2023.09.11_Co-Trustees_Presentation_to_Town_Board ____________________________________________________________________ Well Water Testing The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is primarily responsible for monitoring PFAS in our area. If your well has not already been sampled, click here to make a request or call the MPCA directly at 651-296-6300. You will be contacted based on your location compared to the current sampling areas. Thank you for your patience as the MPCA continues to work through a high volume of requests. Refer to this Interactive Plume Map to view the areas where PFAS sampling is taking place. More detailed information can be found on our Groundwater Contamination tab.